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Liyuan Fiber talks about the importance of the textile industry to the national economy

Time:2021-12-08     【Reserved】

      The textile industry is a traditional pillar industry of my country's national economy and an important private production industry. It is also an industry with obvious international competitive advantages in my country. It plays an important role in prospering the market, expanding exports, attracting employment, increasing farmers' income, and promoting urbanization development. . Liyuan Fiber

      The textile industry includes cotton textile, chemical fiber, hemp textile, wool textile, silk, textile knitting industry, printing and dyeing industry, etc. The main raw materials are cotton, cashmere, wool, cocoon silk, chemical fiber, feather down and so on. The sub-sectors of the textile industry mainly include the clothing industry, home textiles, and industrial textiles. In recent years, the overall operation quality and efficiency have been good, and the growth rate of industry operation has rebounded. Liyuan Fiber

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18863985788 (General Manager)

Fax: 0536-2335438

Website: www.liyuanfibres.com

Address: Intersection of Baimaihu Street and Shuguang Road, Gaomi City

Sales: Manager Wang 13465651314 / Manager Zhang 15610298837 / Manager Song 13589152333


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